Sunday, May 29, 2011


EM stands for essential micro-organisms. It is sprayed at the caravan park, horse stables, farmyard, and is thrown into drains, toilets, basins and water bowls. It neutralizes bad smells and get rid of unwanted bacteria. It also makes the outer layer of a fly's pupae (made out of keratin) harder, so it takes the fly longer to brake it open, then the fly's wings hardens before it is straight, so the fly can't fly then. So EM is a biological control of pests. This means it is not harmful to the environment and has no negative effects. We spray EM on a weekly basis.


This week we replaced a 190m with 18 lines fence. I learnt a lot about fences. We cut all the old lines from the droppers and rolled it up. We took a new line of wire and attach it on the one end of the supporting pole, then we pulled the wire so it doesn't hang and attach it on the other supporting pole. when all the lines were up we attached all the lines onto droppers and Y-standards. It took a wile to replace the fence but it was worth the effort, it looks very nice and is strong, so animals will think twice to run through it. I learnt that everything you do you must work as a team and everyone have to do their bit and the job will be much easier

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

First week of RG

I started with RG on the 10th of may. I enjoy it already. In this week we sprayed EM (essential micro-organisms), I sprayed at the stables with the blower. We Fixed a fence and I learnt how to put a dropper up. We looked at a hide so we can build the same hide at another dam, we also learnt about the eco-toilets they're going to put at the hide. We took all the bullrush out at the dams, because it the whole dam was full of it, so it became a problem. We also took the grass out at Maroela dam and worked very well as a team. When we took these grasses out we saw platannas and all kinds of different spiders, and worms. It was a very interesting and exiting week.