Monday, March 28, 2011


 Ecological role:
  • Provide shelter and food
  • Bind soil
  • When they die nutrients will be released back into soil
  • Produce oxygen
Types of trees:
Maroela tree:
  • Female's branches spread to the side, where the male's branches spread upwards
  • The inside bark of the tree is believed, to relieve headaches and even slow the proses down of cancer. 
  • The female bare more fruit than male. 
  • The inside bark has a lot of vitamin C
  Sickle bush:
  • Spread very quickly, one root go straight down, the rest grows horisontally and make new plants from there.
  • Spikes can puncture a tractor wheel.
  • Use wood for fire.
  • They prepare for winter, pods can be eaten when there is no more leaves.
  • Put the branches on overgrazed grass, so the place can recover.
Silver cluster:
  • Prefer deep sandy soil.
  • Kudus love eating it
  • Secretes tanine for protection
  • Outer layer of roots can be used for diarroea
Weeping wattle:
  • Name comes from a spittle bug that secretes fluids on leaves.
  • Wood can be used for furniture and fuel.
  • Can use leaves for toilet paper
Buffalo thorn:
  • Thorns in shape of buffalo horns
  • Thorns Represents the past and future, don't forget about your past.
  • Put leaves in your mouth, then on a cut and it will stop the bleeding.
  • When some one dies they take a branch and clean that place and put it on the grave.
Puzzle bush:
  • You can bend it as you like over fire.
  • Make wooden spoons, and walking sticks.
  • Use roots for small cuts 
Velvet tree: 
  • Leaves are soft like velvet
  • Can eat berries, but animal don't eat the leaves
  • Make bow and arrow and woven baskets out of it. 
Jacket plum:
  • Fruit are edible 
  • leaves are unpalatable
  • Jelly and vinegar are made from berries

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