Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fire breaks

We drove on the van Rensburg Avenue, where they are going to do fire breaks and bulldoze everything along the side of the roads (taking away all the vegetation and combustible material). Fire breaks are done so if there is a fire it will slow the fire down, and if you want to make another fire to stop that one, it is made there. It can also stop a fire. We looked to see if there are any trees that is endangered or needed to be kept for ecstatic value, that may not be bulldozed. There was places with turf soil and other places with red soil, we looked and saw that the field looked different with the different soil.
We saw the violet tree, that is an endangered species and is on the red data list. It is marked with a white cardboard and red string so that the bulldozer won’t ruin it. If it was to be bulldozed Sondela could get a huge fine.
On the service road they already bulldozed on the left side they used 2 blades, and on the right they used 1 blade.
The problem accuring with this bulldozing is erosion. They make a big open space where water can come down and take all the good soil away.
All the things they cut off, they put on the side next to the open space that will grow extra thick, so they just shifted the problem. The solution for that is that the people would harvest that wood for fire wood.

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