Tuesday, August 30, 2011

key collection envelopes

These envelopes must be prepared before the guest arrivals.  The unit number is on the envelope. Inside the envelope a breakfast voucher, inventory list of the unit, key and breakage letter and an evaluation list must be put in. When that is done the keys must be put in. The envelopes must be put in a box in the right order. When the guest arrives you can get the key easily to give them.

Check in and out of guests

To check a guest in you need to follow the following procedures:
  1. Greet the guest.
  2. Get his registration card and ask him to fill it in.
  3. Check his details in Unires to see if he has to pay the conservation fee.
  4. Ask him R120 conservation fee and tell him what's it used for.
  5. Ask The R200 key and breakage deposit and explain that he will get it back when they check out.
  6. Give him the keys.
  7. Do the payment on Unires 
Check out a guest:
  1. The person must give you the keys and the slip they got from the cleaners to say what they used and broke.
  2. Get his registration card.
  3. Charge him for the breakages and do the payment.
  4. Give him the R200 back or scratch out the credit card slip.
  5. Greet him and tell him to have a safe trip back.

Reception- facing my fears

The first day at reception i had to start answering telephones-my biggest fear. When answering the phone you need to start with "good morning Sondela nature reserve, Sulize speaking how may I help you?" after the first couple of  times I answered the phone and falling over my words, I got the hang of it. I am glad to say that after 5 days I have overcome my fear and can comfortably answer the phone without hesitating.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Servicing chalets

Today we serviced three chalets. This means there are guests staying in the chalet and you have to make their beds, wash dishes, sweep and map the floor. This can get a bit tricky when there are four kids running around playing, and you have to mop the floor. At the end it is actually fun doing this. It is interesting to see how the people live when they are on holiday. Today I got a lot more respect for the cleaners. It is not the easiest job to do.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Protective clothing

When working with chemicals you need to wear protective clothing.
A mask to prevent the inhaling of dangerous  and chemicals.
Gloves to prevent your hand being burnt or damaged from the chemicals.
A apron is also worn to protect your clothes.
Wear closed shoes with a rubber sole, to prevent you from slipping on a wet surface.
Protective clothing are worn for Health and safety reasons as well as for a professional appearance.

Witness to a new life

Yesterday I saw how a sheep gave birth. The baby started getting out, but got stuck, so a half our later and the baby wasn't any further. One off the people of the wildlife center  held the sheep, while another one pulled the baby out.
It was the most beautiful thing to see when that baby came out and wriggled. Immediately he tried to stand up and after 5 minutes he was up and drinking milk.
It was the most amazing thing to experience!

Cleaning Chalets

Today we saw how the worksheets of cleaning chalets work. There are 60 chalets, and therefor 6 team leaders. Under each team leader, there are 5 cleaners. Each group has 10 chalets each day to clean. The team leader supervise and check that the chalets are properly cleaned.
 We went out to clean the chalet. we dusted the furniture, sweeped the tiles and carpets and raked and sprayed the outside. You rake the outside, so there are no footsteps of the previous people, so when the new guests come in it will look like they are the first people visiting that chalet. We spray it so there are no dust when the guests arrive.
The cleaners must be finished by 2'O clock so when the guests arrive at 3 the chalet can be perfect for a relaxing holiday.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

ironing and chemicals.

Today I filled the sunlight liquid bottles. 
We also ironed pillow cases and fitted sheets. This linen are put through a ironing machine and then folded up when all the creases are out.You would have never thought ironing could be this much fun!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Makhato 1

Makhato1 is a new house that was built. On Friday all the furniture was in, so we went in and polished all the furniture, cleaned the windows and floors and dusted everything. Then we needed to fill in the inventory, that is a form with all the things that is in the house (glasses, plates, pots, linen, ext.) that needs to be checked regularly, so if guests or staff break or steal something it could be replaced.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Choux Puffs

What you need to make Coux puffs
  • 250ml water
  • 4 eggs
  • 100ml butter
  • 125ml flour
  • pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar.
  1. Boil the water and butter, till the butter is melted.
  2. Add the flour to form a soft ball
  3. Add the eggs one by one
  4. Put the pasty in a piping bag and make puff shapes
  5. Bake it till light brown in a preheated oven of 180' C
The perfect choux  puffs must be light brown, light in weight and hollow on the inside.
These puffs can be filled with cream, custard or can be even a savory treat and be filled it with tuna or cream spinach.

puff pastry horns

We made puff pastry horns. it is really easy to make. you cut strips out  of the puff pastry. you put a layer of butter onto an horn mold and roll the strip puff pastry onto the mold. then you bake these horns till it's light brown. Leave it to cool down, then you can fill it with caramel or dip it into chocolate.